It’s Fleet Week here in NYC. We are at the USS Intrepid Museum and this was our view at the pier.

Inside the USS Intrepid

D playing on the USS Intrepid

View at flight deck level

I believe this is where they would have flung aircraft off. Too many neat planes so do pan around…

The Enterprise orbiter. This is pretty neat to see and access is, I think, much closer than what was possible at the Smithsonian. But… The view of the Enterprise and now Discovery is still much more impressive when viewed at the Smithsonian. Here, the orbiter looks to be a tight fit in this building and you can’t take in the size and scale of what this craft was used for. Still, always impressive to see. I’m not sure how much D took in. I look forward to bringing him back as often as he likes…

On the flight deck of the USS Intrepid. It’s snack time!

So D and I are going home. We’re coming up on 8th Ave and a horse turns the corner. It was a bit of a surprise to be greeted by a horse on a sidewalk in Manhattan. The guy in yellow then turned the corner, holding on to the horse and a bouquet. Maybe some is getting flowers and a horse…

D the fireman