
I figured Ikea might be a interesting to explore with D. I had no intention of buying anything and ended up buying stuff (whoops). D almost had a good time but was likely hungry and was calling out for mom (she was at home). The drive was maybe 30 minutes to get there and he was doing pretty good. Then I parked at the store and looked back and he had his eyes open, but appeared to have checked out. So I figured a food stop might help. Nope. I pulled out of the parking lot and did a quick look and he was passed out. I found a parking lot and stopped there while it rained and he slept. Across the street was Grumman. A bit of Google and Wikipedia and I found at this location was where the Apollo lunar landers were assembled. Then somewhat recently, the facilities were bought up and turned into movie studio spaces. Here D is conked out in the back…

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