Grand Central Air Terminal

I was at Grand Central Air Terminal today. Disney now owns it. I checked Wikipedia and it turns out this building has all sorts of aviation history attached to it, such as Amelia Earhart had bought her first airplane here and used the airport. Charles Lindbergh piloted the first coast-to-coast flight from here.

If you’re curious to learn more:

After work, I headed over to Venice Beach. It was… interesting. The beach itself is great – beautiful views, waves crashing in, the smell of the ocean. Good stuff. There were a fair number of people out, but it looked like the tourists may have been out numbered by the beach bums. I walked around for a bit but I think if I stayed any longer, I would have had a contact high, tattooed up, and a beach t-shirt with some slightly raunchy saying on it. I had fun visiting.

I got back to the hotel and grabbed a snack and beverage and hung out at the bar. I THINK it was Alfonso Ribeiro (host of America’s Funniest Videos) who showed up. It was hard to say and I didn’t want to bug him.

Here’s some photos from Venice Beach. The weather was nice and cool, probably in the mid-60’s or just above. Overcast skies, much like what I’m used to in Cleveland.

The next day:

Last day in Burbank and Glendale. The Disney pics are from the Glendale campus.

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