Thank you Olessia!

A huge thank you is not enough for all Olessia has done for me and our family. She’s had to go solo for 2 days while I had my appendix removed Thursday morning. I came home Friday night and she’s taking care to get us both to bed. Then today she has spent the day catering to me, chasing D, and taking care of our animals and apartment. She’s way too kind and loving… There are many things I love about her. These are the best ones. I love you Olessia! Continue reading Thank you Olessia!

LED Bar Graph with Slack Chat Control

The end goal of this project was to project a bar graph.  Sure, any LCD screen/monitor would do and be WAY prettier.  But what if you could hang this on the wall?  What could that look like?  As a passive display (one that hangs out in the corner of your eye), could this be useful? I had a chance to play with Adafruit’s NeoPixels at the 2017 CodeMash.  They were fun and easy to work with!  Bonus:  They can be daisy chained and individually addressed.  This means you can string a bunch together and control the color of each one … Continue reading LED Bar Graph with Slack Chat Control


Figure I brush off the cobwebs on Since 2013, quite a bit has happened. The biggies being: our son was born, and we moved to NYC. With the move to NYC and leaving my close family behind in Ohio, Facebook has been our way to keep them updated. So I’ll keep posts here on the technical-side. With the brushing off of the cobwebs, there are things on this site that no longer work. Like most things, when left alone, stuff will rot and has been neglected for 5 or so years. For example, the wardrive pages no longer … Continue reading Cobwebs