Bit (my goldfish) Killed

Friday (10/29/04) my goldfish was killed. I’m pretty sure Powder did it. Murzik is young enough, has the skills, and the energy, but never really expressed a killer instinct like Powder has.

I got Bit along with Byte almost 8 years ago. Bit was the smaller of the two goldfish, hence the name. But he had gotten pretty big. Probably about 4 to almost 5 inches long (including tail). What was novel was he hung out in a 15″ computer monitor and survived 2 Akron apartments, an apartment in Warrensville, and then finally my most recent move to a house.
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Cat destroys shoe

Murzik (we think) chewed up one of my casual shoes. I notice until I got to work and the right shoe was just covered in claw and teeth marks. We’re pretty sure its Murzik. The night before we watched and thought, “aw! How cute!” as she laid on her side and circled Olessia’s slipper with all 4 paws dug into it. It looked almost like we had a dog in the house or something. Oh well. It means this weekend I get to go clothes/shoes shopping.
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Powder survived the vet trip

Murzik and Powder both visited the vet yesterday. Powder went first since he got nervous and pee-ed in the carrier on the way over. Murzik just cried for the entire drive while Powder was very quiet.

Powder had a slight temperature, but he didn’t have enough urine to allow the vet to take a sample (it all went in the carrier!). The vet thinks it could be a urinary track infection. Hopefully its an infection and not Powder being ornery. Powder got an antibiotic shot which really got him upset.

This freaked Murzik out and she huddled as small as she could in her carrier. Her turn came and she got a booster shot. Her shot wasn’t as bad and it was in a better location than where Powder had his. She was declared very healthy.
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The apartment got really chilly last night (terrible insulation on the sliding door and the apartment management is not excited about fixing it). It looked as though Mozi was going to call it a season and nap. He did move to his basking site and hung out with his eyes half open. I figure by this weekend he’s going to shut down till the next time change…
Continue reading “Brumation”